Bird in Motion

Bird in Motion

Day 140 – I was walking around the yard enjoying this lovely spring day. This little fellow sat perched on the bush for a while and just when I felt sure enough to snap the shot, he took off. Luckily I caught him just in time.




Day 133 – I knew a woman who loved daffodils. She painted them on sheets of shale with delicate calligraphy.


Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Day 128 – Warm spring wind gusts took our kite pretty high up. It took a wild ride up there until it crashed into the lilac bush.




Day 125 – This bright and beautiful day brought out the forsythia blooms. Did you know that the forsythia is a flowering member of the olive family?


Free Eclairs

Free Eclairs

Day 101 – My husband and I found out that 15 minutes of our time is worth an eclair. Our lunch order got delayed and to make it right the sandwich shop owner offered us a free dessert.


100 Paperclips

100 Paperclips

Day 100 – Today is the 100th photo on my blog. It reminded me of “Day 100” in elementary school when we celebrated the 100th day of the school year.  Kids would have to bring in 100 like items – pennies, cotton balls, beans, whatever they could think of. I always liked paperclips.


Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion
Optical Illusion

Day 29 – A simple picture manipulated in Photoshop. It makes me a bit dizzy if I look at it for too long. But then, that was the idea.