Bunny Tracks

Bunny Tracks

Day 112 – Either these are bunny tracks or we’re being visited by someone on a pogo stick.


Cardinal Beauty

Cardinal Beauty

Day 105 – A rare sighting of a male cardinal checking out my bird feeder. These birds always remind me of my grandmother-in-law. She was funny and smart and sassy. I always feel like she’s just checking in when I see one of these beauties.


Bicycle Shadow

Bicycle Shadow

Day 104 – Andy and I went to lunch today. Some of you familiar with Northern Illinois may recognize this sculpture. (Hint – cheese fries)


Brilliant Icicles

Brilliant Icicles

Day 103 – A quick walk out on the deck this morning revealed these beauties glistening in the morning light.




Day 95 – I saw this man and his dog down by the river. He was struggling to adjust his load while his dog waited patiently. I heard the man reminding the dog to stay and wait and he would give him a treat in just a minute. They seemed to need each other very much.


Creepy Cabin

Creepy Cabin

Day 85 – I was having fun playing around with this image in Lightroom. I wanted it to look old and creepy. Did I succeed?


May I help you?

May I help you?

Day 83 – There is a wonderful pond at the college near our home. The swans that live there have their own house and fenced yard to winter in. They are diligent house keepers constantly clearing the path and discouraging curious, young geese from visiting too often.  With a stern look like that who would want to mess with him?