Thank You

Thank You
Thank You

Day 51 – Thank you for everything. I am grateful beyond measure. Happy Thanksgiving!




Day 48 – Do birds know how cool it is to fly? I think they know exactly how cool it is.




Day 47 – Sunday in our house goes something like this – eat some Five Guys burgers and fries, take a nap, watch some football, take another nap, raid the pantry for snacks, more football and napping. Life is good.


Prairie Grass

Prairie Grass
Prairie Grass

Day 41 – I love these tall grasses that grow near our house. And the blue sky was a special treat this afternoon after such a dreary morning.


Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion
Optical Illusion

Day 29 – A simple picture manipulated in Photoshop. It makes me a bit dizzy if I look at it for too long. But then, that was the idea.