

Day 95 – I saw this man and his dog down by the river. He was struggling to adjust his load while his dog waited patiently. I heard the man reminding the dog to stay and wait and he would give him a treat in just a minute. They seemed to need each other very much.


Pink Orchid

Pink Orchid

Day 94 – I spent some time at the local Conservatory this morning. They have transformed a humble green house in to an amazing and breathtaking experience.


Young Ones and Old Glory

Young Ones and Old Glory

Day 88 – While I was sitting in the pick up line at my son’s school, I watched these two boys carefully take down the flag and fold it up. They were so careful to do it right. It was a sweet, simple moment that reminded me not to be too cynical about the future.


Technical difficulties

Day 70 – we ran into some technical difficulties. As soon as we resolve them, the photoblog will be back up. I will continue to take photos everyday and I will resume sharing them as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience

Mannequin Man

Mannequin Man
Mannequin Man

Day 61 – We love posing Mannequin Man in different and interesting ways. What a good sport!


Stained Glass

Stained Glass
Stained Glass

Day 56 – I finally captured the sun reflecting through the stained glass window in our kitchen.


Welcome Home

Welcome Home
Welcome Home

Day 55 – The legend says that the pineapple was used by New England sea captains to announce their return home from the Caribbean. They would spear the tropical fruit on posts in front of their homes to let friends know of their safe return. The pineapple was an invitation to visit and hear stories of their travels.