

Day 268 – “No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.” – Emma Goldman


School Supplies

School Supplies

Day 254 – I have always loved shopping for school supplies. New folders, pencils, pens, binders – a fresh start. Now, back to summer vacation…




Day 248 – Can you guess what this is? I am sure you can.


Tick, Tick, Tick…

Tick, Tick, Tick…

Day 247 – Time is not constant. Some moments seem to fly by while at other times the seconds tick away slowly and hours pass like centuries.


Auto Abstract

Auto Abstract

Day 240 – I love to drive. Isn’t just the most liberating feeling to hit the open road?


Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

Day 236 – These flowers were also used in a photo that was featured back in March on Day 132. I really like the vibrant colors of this photo though. The other one was processed to make them look a bit washed out.


Mother and Son

Mother and Son

Day 234 – Credit for this photo goes to my wonderful husband, Michael. He snapped this candid photo of us while we were preparing for a client’s photo shoot.


White Tulips

White Tulips

Day 213- White tulips are supposed to mean “forgiveness”. I wonder where all these flower “meanings” came from originally? I just think they’re lovely, especially in my favorite McCoy vase.