Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Day 128 – Warm spring wind gusts took our kite pretty high up. It took a wild ride up there until it crashed into the lilac bush.




Day 127 – “Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.” – FDR

This is an intimate look inside my voting booth. It is a privilege that many people do not get to experience. I never take this liberty for granted.


Mr. Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln

Day 126 – We say “Good Morning” to Mr. Lincoln every day on our way to school.




Day 125 – This bright and beautiful day brought out the forsythia blooms. Did you know that the forsythia is a flowering member of the olive family?


Face in the Cloud

Face in the Cloud

Day 124 – I was sitting on the front porch when I looked up and saw this cloud formation. It reminded me of a face in profile. I love when the rays of the sun shine like that.




Day 123 – Spring time renewal.  It’s good to see new blossoms on the old looking vine.


Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day!

Day 121 – Pi written out to 100 places on our driveway. Yes, the neighbors do think I am weird. But who cares! It’s a gorgeous day and this is my favorite non-holiday holiday.